WKC World Championships in Orlando, FL
Support your fellow Kim Studio student Olivia Sun as she competes at the WKC World Championships! https://youtu.be/F0WtRdQXQpc

Black Belt Test
All students testing for 1st Degree Black Belt and above must have been invited by Grandmaster Roberts to test. Essays and payment should be in no later than Friday Feb 17. Partners and bunkai, should be discussed with Grandmaster ahead of time.

Daito Ryu Seminar with Roy Goldberg
Daito Ryu Seminar at Kim Studio on November 19-20, 2016

Daito Ryu Seminar with Roy Goldberg
Join us for an extraordinary 2 days of hard training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance your technique and understanding of your art. Although some experience with taking ukemi (rolling and breakfalls) is recommended, it is not required. Goldberg Sensei will demonstrate techniques for students of all ranks and experience.